New update on teeth programs with spooky2 my fiancée has had most teeth removed due to misdiagnosed with chronic lyme and mass amounts if pharmaceuticals for pain 20+years 5 years ago had what was left of most of his teeth were removed ….,4 years ago Dec 2019 went to Thailand to see what restoration could be done US dentists said 60- to 75 thousand btw terrified of dentists also then that disease hit Dec 2019 while there we both became very ill as no one was talking about it genx saved my life and with help of Echo and John we finally got some frequencies to dismantle most of it
While there we were told he needed bone grafting as most of his jaw bone was disappearing and of course more money and months to do all work and no guarantee it would take Thailand est 30-45 thousand then February 2020 we had to leave the country was shutting down
Came back and all this time off and on running dental programs for me mainly 6 cavities they healed and all cracks pockets and gum disease gone for me a miracle to say the least
Kept running dental DH 0012 tooth decay and restore fast forward came to Mexico Dec 2021 and in local fb group of expats spoke about a woman dentist frequently we move couple times 3rd move in Zihuatanejo into condo we came out our door looked over and there was her office 30 steps away he had one of his last teeth breakoff at gum line last year his dentist shut down mine dentist wanted 1500 to get it out
So i grabbed his hand said that tooth has to come out she came out examined him said see you tomorrow noon take this pill one tonight one one hour at 11 went over 12 minutes later tooth out no pain a breeze he said 50.00 US dollars so i ask how much for implants ect she said need full mouth xray 80.00 she studied it over night she was amazed said usually most bone has disappeared teeth being gone this long and two other dentists saying there was too much bone loss no other explaination why there was more than enough bone to do all restoration work now 15 thousand 10 implants crowns bridge work and capping two lower teeth so she had to match color up again sorry for long post as of 6-21- 2022 he has all new teeth absolutely beautiful i told her of spooky2 and only explaination on bone regeneration was the programs i kept running she said i must get one of these machines can you train me no problem i say she now has genx her mother who has had schizophrenia 30 years is already improving !
I had to share this miracle never give up and remember right diagnosis right frequencies you cant lose
He looks 15 years younger and self esteem coming back and the joy on his face made me cry
Again spooky2 changed a few lives here already as Judy B says Happy rifing to all and never give up on yourself or anyone else we can help each other change lives