Category Archives: Spooky2 Boost

My Ex-Husband’s Macular Degeneration Was Relieved

I have been running the Macular Degeneration programs on my ex-husband for several months. I am running them on both remote and plasma. He has a GenX and a booster, so we started there with the macular degeneration programs for remote. I added Preset Macular Degeneration JW (R) , Eye Disorders (R), MacD 1 (R)… Read More »

Spooky2 Devices Have Greatly Helped Remove Most of Severe Health Issues Like Skin Cancer and Allery

Hello all you non-believers and believers out there concerning Spooky 2 technology. Skin cancer (non-deadly), daily severe fatigue (usually around early to mid-afternoon time), COPD (past smoker), non-healing wounds ( the combination of skin cancer and other stuff), other skin conditions, digestion, constipation, foggy brain (non-clear thought processes), Brown recluse spider bite on the face,… Read More »