My Husband Has Improved Many Dental Problems with Spooky2

By | June 27, 2023

My husband was told a few weeks ago that he needed a root canal or to pull the tooth. He was in lot of pain. I placed him in the DH Tooth Decay and Restoration as well as an dental infection preset (I cannot remember the name). It took 3 days and the pain was gone…and has not returned. He is planning on getting it removed at some point but I am hoping he waits for a while to see if there is improvement. He was on a dental preset for over a year and when he went to his checkup the dentist took a new xray and at first she thought the old xray was the new one as the brown decay had minimized a lot. She was surprised and asked what he was doing. 🙂 The dentist was also surprised with how white his teeth had become and mentioned how unusual for a smoker. Huge improvements in his teeth. I use to have a lot of pain in my lower jaw but since using remote for about 2 years, I have no pain at all any longer. My husband did not believe my Spooky2 would work and laughed in the beginning, and now he comes for me for every issue he has. I have since ordered more remotes. 🙂


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