Yes. I am wondering if I understood correctly that the pulse device can be used diagnostically and how this is accomplished? How do I use it if this is true? My father has a giant skin melanoma on his face which grew quickly to the size of a small potato . He has two remotes going at night and one remote and one contact during the day every day.
His tumor is half the size now. Once he changed his diet to avoid starches and fruit which are turned to sugar then alcohol by the cancer for fuel, and I purchased another Spooky to run two devices at once, the cancer began to rapidly dissolve. Your device is magical, a miracle invention beyond description! My words cannot convey the deep gratitude I have for this device, your program, and the wonderful people who have made this gift available and affordable!!!!
I intend to buy more Spookies when I can afford it. I own 4 to date.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2success/permalink/479540832233536/