Spooky2 Helps Get Rid of Gallstones

By | November 10, 2023

I want to share a success story to the Spooky2 FB Family using our GenX. But before I do I’ll give a bit of background of the issue.

My partner developed a gallstone (6mm) 5 years ago and was advised to get her gallbladder removed. She refused as she wanted to try other natural routes. The stone then grew a few years later measuring 8mm and was told she developed Gallbladder polyps.

Before learning about Spooky2, what first helped to keep the gallbladder issues at bay was using OX Bile and introducing Malic Acid.

Back in 2021 she was able to get the stone back down to 5mm but Polyps remained as she didn’t take anything for the Polyps.

In 2023 she started developing frequent gallbladder pains and were getting worse regardless how healthy she was eating and was hardly taking ox bile. So we knew her gallbladder issues were getting worse.

As we had the Spooky2 GenX, we thought why not give it a full go with this particular issue. So we found a few Gallbladder and Gallstone programs on the Spooky2 database and ran it in Remote mode under the Killing Preset every day. She didn’t run it 24/7 but only ran it 4 hours each day consistently in Remote and sometimes used an hour session in Contact mode.

She started realizing all her gallbladder pains were reducing and resolving. To test the theory she scheduled an ultrasound appointment yesterday and we got back the results today from the Dr confirming that the gallstone is no longer detected! This is miraculous news! For years they’ve been telling her to get her gallbladder removed and lucky she didn’t!

Although the 3 polyps remain, we are now going to try running polyp programs and continue with the gallbladder and gallstone programs for precaution to ensure the stone never returns.

I’ve also attached the results written by the Dr for reference.

The lesson for us has always been, try the natural route first before jumping on meds or getting surgery.

Thanks to Spooky2’s GeneratorX!

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Source: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/posts/2632820806879806/

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