Spooky2 Makes My Son Feel Better and Better

By | June 12, 2020

Usually when mold or heavy metals weakens your inmune systems the Lyme bacteria and co infections that have been dormant attacks, Lyme disease usually goes undiagnose due to the fact that according to the CDC your tests have to show at least five strands of Lyme bacteria to be positive to Lyme, even though you are showing symptoms; my son was very sick after he was exposed to mold in his water damaged apartment, he started with loss of balance, stiff and painful neck, insomnia, anxiety, derealization, cramps, numbness and tingling of legs, neuropathy, drop foot, motor and sensor loss, extreme fatigue, muscle twitching, he was in a total mess, he was seen by more than 50 doctors, chiropractors, neurologists, spine doctors, oncologists etc, he got CT scans, X rays, EMG, MRIs, blood, urine tests, and they showed nothing abnormal, they say it was his imagination, he was four days in a psychiatric center and gave him strong sleeping pills, valium etc, his neurologist ordered a spinal tab and the results showed borrelia burgoferi 3 strands of Lyme, but the doctors rejected him and said that this was not enough and did not want to treat him, finally he went to an holistic doctor who ordered a metal, mold and lyme test in a private lab and they came back positive, so he started treating the mold and doing chelation and sauna to get rid of heavy metals, we bought Spooky2 and started running the Morgellons and Lyme Graded protocol on Spooky2 to treat Lyme and co infections, (this program is shorter than Morgellons and Lyme v 3.0) it has 9 presets and is more simple and easy to use, we started using the program on February 7 and so far he has improved a lot, he is currently on preset 09, his white blood cells that were very low in January due to mold went up to the double of it in May, and he started to recover his energy, stiffnes and pain are gone, he has done an amazing improvement and is in his way to total recovery.

Thank You Spooky2 !!!

I hope this information can be useful for everybody.

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